Does anybody take any notice of the flowers and plants around them? I love flowers. I can't imagine life without them, but I am sure most people don't even notice them.
Flowers have always been used to fragrance your home, in candles, incense, oils, air fresheners etc.
Many Shampoos, perfumes, soaps etc. have the wonderful aroma of flowers.
Many plants, flowers and herbs are also used for medicinal purposes.
Roses are the best known flowers and are the symbol of love/romance. Flowers are given to loved ones on Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Birthdays and for just about any occasion you can think of.
In British history there was even a War of the Roses. The Red rose is the symbol of England. (And very beautiful it is too!)
Poppies are wild flowers that grow in the hedgerows of the United Kingdom and elsewhere in the world. They come in various colours, but in my opinion they are most beautiful in red.
They are a symbol of death and used, in the UK, to commemorate the dead servicemen/women who gave their lives in two World Wars.
I am English, so to me daffodils mean Spring. I have travelled around the world, and have never seen daffodils like the ones I have seen in the UK. I no longer live in the UK, and I never see daffodils, which saddens me. I think they are SO beautiful. Daffodils bloom in early spring and bring such a splash of colour.
William Wordsworth wrote a beautiful poem about daffodils entitled "I wander lonely as a cloud". If you have never read this poem, please do so, as it encapsulates the beauty of the humble daffodil.
Many antiques have flowers adorning them. For example tea services, ceramic vases, pottery, cutlery etc.
In fact when you look at some of the famous paintings that have ever been sold many were of flowers, for example Van Gogh's Sunflowers and Irises which sold for record prices in recent years.
Another common use for flowers is on wallpaper and tiles which adorn many a household. In fact, there are too many uses to mention here.
Many public buildings including churches are decorated inside with flowers. As mentioned in the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, churches have Rose decorations throughout. I had never noticed these Roses until I read the book. Take a look for yourself, they are there!
Throughout history flowers have been used to mark various occasions. A bride carries flowers on her wedding day and the church is ablaze with colour. Many of the guests also wear flowers as corsages. It is also traditional to throw rose petals over the bride and groom after they leave the church.
Flowers have always been given as gifts at funerals to remember the life of the deceased. Lilies are the most popular and are associated with death.
When a friend or loved one is in hospital or at home ill, what do we bring as a gift? Flowers!
Have you ever thought about flowers being used as names for children? I'll bet you hadn't even noticed how popular they are. For example Rose, Poppy, Jasmine, Lily, Violet and Daisy are a few that spring to mind.
Flowers have even been used to amuse children. Do you remember when you were young and your mother showed you how to make daisy chains? Yes, flowers again!
Also as a child my mother showed me a game with buttercups (another common English flower). She loves me, she loves me not, was also a childhood game we played to find true love involving pulling petals off a flower.
Most people never notice flowers.
We would ALL notice if they were not there!
Flowers brighten our world, lift our spirits and are a vital part of our existence. Look around you, our world is beautiful!
Les Morris Article Source: | ![]() |
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